Work in Australia

Australia Whitsunday Islands

Australia is an amazing country to move to but the decision to pack up your entire life and move to the other side of the world is a big one.

Yes, it’s exciting. Yes, you’re going to have the time of your life. And yes, this is going to be an experience that, not only will you remember forever, but you never know, could actually end up changing the course of your life from here on out. Pretty dramatic, but true.

There’s plenty to think about and lots to arrange. Lucky for you, here at Go Find Programs, we’ve been helping eager young people off to work in Australia for years – and we are good at making sure they have the best time possible.

If you like the idea of working in Australia appeals to you, we’ve put together this handy guide on all things you need to know and do to help you take those first steps toward a new life Down Under.

Jobs in Australia

Australia Working Holiday Global Work & Travel

Working Holiday in Australia

• 6-24 months
• Price from £1,195

Internship in Australia

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795

Au Pair in Australia

Au Pair in Australia

• 6-12 months
• Price from £1,195

How to Work in Australia

Australia is an expensive place to travel and it can be tough on a backpacker’s budget. A night in a hostel will set you back around $25, a glass of beer is around $7 and a Big Mac is about $5. This means you’re going to need to budget around $50 a day, and that’s before you’ve even done anything.

If you’re starting to have second thoughts about travelling to Oz, think again. There is a solution… working in Australia!

Did you know that the minimum wage in Australia is $15.53 per hour which is nearly £10! The average bar job will pay between $18 and $25 per hour and (depending on how smiley you are) you could get $10 every hour in tips. This means that you could earn over $35 per hour. Not bad for bar work.

So no matter if you fancy experiencing living abroad, taking a gap year in Australia, or just keen to start a new life somewhere desirable, learn more about how to make this happen and gain employment.

Australia Working Holiday Visa

The Australian Working Holiday visa offers young travellers aged 18-30 the opportunity to spend a year travelling around Australia, whilst supplementing their funds through temporary or casual work.

Not only are the wages good but it’s really easy to get a working holiday visa. You can either apply online independently. on the Australia Government website and within a couple of days you will have your working holiday visa emailed to you. Or apply with an international agencies who offer packages which usually include flights, arrival accommodation, job hunting advice and social/group activities.

Your visa is valid for a year but it is possible to extend it to another year by working for three months in a rural area.

Australia Working Holiday Visa Requirements
To apply for an Australian Working Holiday Visa you must be outside Australia, applicants will also need to:

• Hold a valid passport for their entire trip.
• Be aged between 18-30 years old.
• Have no dependant children.
• Have not entered Australia on a WHV before.
• Your reason for entering Australia should be for a holiday, any work carried out should be to support yourself in funding your trip.
• When entering Australia you might be asked to provide evidence of an onward ticket or sufficient funds to purchase one, as well as funds to support yourself for the first part of your stay.

The cost of the Australian Working Holiday visa is AU$510.

Best Cities to Live
• Sydney has a fantastic harbour and enviable beaches.
• Melbourne has great bars and sophisticated restaurants
• Brisbane is tropical and luscious as is Darwin, the gateway to the Northern Territory
• Adelaide has stunning parks and gardens with some of Australia’s most famous wineries.
• Perth is a perfect starting point for exploring the wanders of western Australia.
• Hobart has a bustling port, historic pubs and a beautiful mountain backdrop.

Can I have another Australia Working Holiday visa if I have had one before?
To be granted a second Working Holiday visa you will need to have completed a minimum of 90 days harvest work in rural Australia during your first Working Holiday.

10 Tips on How to Find a Job in Australia

For those who are eligible for a 1 year working holiday visa or a permanent residency visa here are a few tips that will drastically increase your chances of finding employment in Australia in today’s market.

  1. Get a professional CV done before you go, if you are already there then get one done ASAP.
  2. Do not spend all your savings in your first 2 weeks and end up penny less when you start applying for work.
  3. Consider buying a car as soon as you arrive it will drastically increase the amount of jobs you can apply for.
  4. Do some market research before you leave, find out where there is work for the skills you have on offer. Apply for jobs before you go.
  5. If your occupation needs an Australian Licence or registration – get it done before you go. If you don’t know if your occupation needs a licence then find out well before you go as some licenses take over 3 months to process.
  6. If your occupation is not on the Australian Critical Skills List then try to apply to companies directly and not through an employment/recruitment agency.
  7. Portray yourself as someone looking for a long term job.
  8. If you are lacking experience consider internships in Australia.
  9. If you are eligible to apply for permanent residency then do it ASAP, Migration law changes rapidly so the sooner you make your application the better.
  10. Take the first job you get – you can always look for a new job later.

Interview Tips for Jobseekers in Australia

  1. Dress respectable – no matter what job you are applying for.
  2. Bring your CV with you even if the interviewer already has it.
  3. Bring your passport with you, including your current visa
  4. Be prepared to be asked about your visa conditions.
  5. If you have overseas qualifications you should bring copies to the interview or better yet, get your qualifications Australian recognised (Including driver’s license).
  6. Prepare before you go – Google the “company name” and learn as much as possible about them and the job you are interviewing for.
  7. Remember Australia is feeling the negative effects of the global recession, so you need to give the interviewer a reason to employ you over an Australian person, always let the interviewer know that you are prepared to go the extra mile for the job.
  8. Answer questions short and sweet and keep to the point.
  9. Bring at least two contactable employment references, names and numbers – make sure your referees are available to take a call the day of the interview.
  10. Be friendly, polite and mannerly – you would be surprised how important this is.

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